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Ants Control

Ants Pest Control Service in Fujairah

Ants Pest Control Service in Fujairah

Allied is providing one of the best Ants Pest Control Service in Fujairah. The most common pest in our home is Ants. Be it the entire bowl of food or a small piece of bread on the table, ants are there to swarm around and carry it to their home. Ants build many different types of homes. Many ants build simple little mounds out of dirt or sand while other ants use small sticks mixed with dirt and sand to make a stronger mound that offers protection from rain. Western Harvester ants make a small mound on top, but then tunnel up to 15 feet straight down to hibernate during winter. Ant mounds consist of many chambers connected by tunnels. Different chambers are used for nurseries, food storage, and resting places for the worker ants. Some ants live in wood like termites. Army ants don’t make a home at all but travel in large groups searching for food. To keep ants out of buildings, caulk cracks and crevices around foundations and other sites that provide entry from outside. Ants prefer to make trails along structural elements, such as wires and pipes, and frequently use them to enter and travel within a structure to their destination, so look for entry points in these locations.

How to Control Ants

Allied Pest Control is leading company in fujairah, UAE. Inside buildings, household ants feed on sugar, syrup, honey, fruit juice, fats, and meat. Long trails of thousands of ants may lead from nests to food sources, causing considerable concern among building occupants. Outdoors ants are attracted to honeydew that soft scales, mealybugs, and aphids produce. This liquid excrement contains sugars and other nutrients. Frequently outbreaks of scales and aphids occur when ants tend them for honeydew because the ants protect scales and aphids from their natural enemies.

ANTS Infestations

Ant species that occur primarily in human habitations are considered as pests. Ant species commonly categorized as pests that are found in UAE are the carpenter, harvester, honey, pharaoh, little fire, field, velvety tree, leaf-cutting, red town, thief, pavement, southern fire, etc. Among them, pharaoh ants have the reputation of being one of the hardest ants to control. Pharaoh ants are small but an infestation can be a serious problem for those in the food and medical industries. Research shows that these ants can transmit more than 12 infectious organisms. They consume sweet substances but seems to prefer foods like greasy and fatty meats.

The adaptive nature of ant colonies makes it nearly impossible to eliminate entire colonies. Hence, you should consult a professional like us for the solution of these ants. We use “three-prong approach”. The first approach includes the treatment of living space. The different kinds of techniques we use are eco-friendly pest control chemicals. The second approach contains the treatment of ants in a yard. The Yard is the source of ants because from here they enter your home. Therefore, treatment in the yard is vital for ant control. The last approach involves the treatment of ants outside the living space. In most cases, the root of ants inside house builds their nests outside the house. Hence, it is very important to treat ants outside ménage for a semi-permanent solution of these pests. If required, we can also serve you in ships, boats, factories, hospitals, etc. as customer’s demand.

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